Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Move that body!

Exercise! It is arguably the most important thing you can do to stay healthy and keep your cells active, strong, and full of oxygen. Every medical study I have read on cancer shows that exercise reduces your risk of cancer and increases your likelihood of fighting cancer if you already have it.

I got so excited about the notion of exercise, and how powerful it is, that I decided to immediately create a new block print of a bird that I thought best expressed this sentiment. Sanderlings came to mind right away.  They are the most lovely, graceful, and spritely shore birds that I grew up chasing amidst the spindrift along the Atlantic ocean with my grandparents chasing after me. Talk about exercise.

We've all been told at our annual physical, "you need to exercise at least three times per week for 30 minutes."  The truth is, however, that ANY exercise you can get is worthwhile. Don't skip a walk or run just because you only have 20 minutes.  Studies show that any exercise is great for you. If you only have time for jumping jacks in your kitchen for 5 minutes, you will be healthier for it. Try to fit something in every day. A walk, a burst of dancing, a run, a trip to the gym.  Simply move your body and bring oxygen to those cells of yours!

If you are recovering from surgery or don't have the energy for lots of exertion, one of my favorite things to recommend is the Urban Rebounder. Bouncing on this lightly even 3-4 times a day for 3 minutes will drain your lymphatic system, releasing toxins and allowing your body to be more vigorous in fighting disease.

Another easy thing you can do in bad weather, from home, in a chair, is workout with Joel Harper, who is a fitness instructor in my nutrition program.  He has free downloaded workouts, all 10-20 minutes, here: Joel Harper.

Oxygen in the cells gives cancer less chance to survive.  It increases red blood cells and normalizes healthy tissue cell growth.  It also breaks down toxic carbon dioxide, which causes the free radicals that help form cancer.   So cancer really doesn't like oxygen.  Add it to your repertoire, in the form of exercise, wheatgrass (filled with chlorophyll!), and raw, enzyme-packed foods.

Bringing us back to raw foods, once again...One of the beauties of raw foods is that they, too, bring oxygen to our cells.  Try out this delicious appetizer before dinner instead of your crackers & cheese. It's amazingly filling, and so energizing.  Whenever I eat it, it's as if someone just took a foggy lens out from in front of my eyes.  This version is adapted from a Raw Foods Institute recipe.

 Pretty Cabbage Wraps with Almond-Ginger Dip

(makes 8 small wraps)

2 collard leaves
1/4 of a red cabbage, thinly sliced
1/4 of a green cabbage, thinly sliced
come carrot gratings (optional)

-Cut the collard greens into quarters, slicing out the thick stem in the middle
-Slice the cabbage and grate the carrot, and mix together
-Place the cabbage/carrot mixture in the middle of each collard quarter, and roll up

Almond-Ginger Dip

3 Tbsp. Tamari (or regular soy sauce)
3 Tbs. apple cider vinegar
about 2-3 inches of sliced ginger, chopped
4 Tbsp. almond butter
1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil
pinch of salt

-Blend together in a blender until creamy & smooth
-Store extra in refrigerator
-Dip wraps in almond-ginger dip and enjoy!

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